5 Buys

Susan Korn Wants You To Eat Fruit

Five important things from downtown's very own accessories maven.


5 Buys is a monthly column that highlights savvy individuals and the things they're buying now.

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (San Francisco), I met Susan at West Coast Craft. The year was 2018, and she had brought her beloved Susan Alexandra charms and treasures to a booth at Fort Mason Center. Now, only five years later, Susan's booth is her very own Orchard Street store. It's a life-size gembox, a downtown destination, a gathering spot, a place for shopping but also for bead nights, celebrations, vintage pop-ups and even dog parades. While she may be known for her beaded bags and whimsical jewels, Susan contains multitudes. Some might even say she is a renaissance lady, a maker of community, a clothing designer, a bff matchmaker, a knower of things. Below, she tells us about some of them.

1. July Suitcase in RED

"One day I will tell you all the story about how I had to throw away my suitcase at JFK and quickly shove all my possessions into an awful duffle bag in order to make a flight to Paris. Off of the plane, my first purchase was a new suitcase from a seedy shop by the train station and that has been the suitcase I have used for the past 5 years, that is until NOW. This July suitcase gives my travel lewk a bohemian jet-setter boost. It also happens to match the hue of orangey-red nail polish I always wear on vacations. It’s big enough that in a pinch it could double as a coffee table."

2. Carel Kitty Mules

"Continuing with our French theme, we have the Kitty Mules from Carel. I saw a chic French friend of mine wearing these around NYC the way that most of us wear Adidas Sambas. These are her schlepping shoes and I was mesmerized. The tiny golf tee heel, the triple straps, the saucy color, mamma mia! I allow myself one nice treat on a trip, specifically something that can not be found in the states and this was that."

3. A Session with Dr. Gabrielle Francis

"To anyone out there that feels like there is something wrong with them but western medical doctors can not figure out what, I wish you all a visit to Dr. F. She analyzes every single thing in your body and then treats you with the most powerful blend of herbs, massage, acupuncture and body adjustments. She has saved my life more times than I can count and always treats me with so much love. She even let’s Pigeon (my dog) come to acupuncture and gives both of us kisses on the head when she’s removing acupuncture needles."

4. Rosette Collection 3

"Did you know that in addition to Susan Alexandra, I am also co-founder with my friend Doria of a line called Rosette? Yes, it’s true! We are releasing a new collection this June that features POLKA DOTS, WHITE LACE and (drumroll) LACE CAPRIS! It’s the collection I’m most excited for and I think it will be stunning on you."

5. Fruit

"I’ve discovered that unless I eat fruit every single day, I’m a total wreck. We are of course on the brink of summer when fruit is at her best in NYC and I am so excited. Some things: my favorite fruit is foraged fruit and there is a big mulberry tree near my apartment that showers the pavement with berries. Sometimes the branches dip low enough that I can grab handfuls. Also, there is the union square farmers market where I always do well. If you’re an LES dweller like me, I recommend the street fruit stand on Grand and Clinton. I buy a lot of pineapples, papayas and berries here. I wish they were organic but what are you gonna do?"

Find more of Susan's favorites at Susan Alexandra and Rosette.

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